Mussomeli is a town located in the heart of Sicily. Mussomeli is located in an inner hilly area, east of the Platani River, in Central Sicily, at 765 meters above sea level. It is 53 km from Agrigento, 58 km from Caltanissetta, 99 km from Enna, 199 km from Ragusa. The weather is rather continental, rigid and dry in winter, warm and windy in the summer. The wind is a climatic element of the city. There are few snow-covered episodes in winter. The rains are concentrated in the months of January, February, March, April, October and December, almost completely absent in the summer. The temperature varies a lot: the winter maximum is 7-11 °C, while summer temperatures are 26-32 °C (with tips of 35 °C and above); The minimum temperatures range from 3-6 °C winter to 15-20 °C summer.
93014 Mussomeli (CL)
- +39 331 6963926